Russ Petran
He is 23 years old and still can't tie a tie. He works hard everyday making our nation eat healthier. He once killed a grizzly bear in Alaska with nothing more then an empty Pepsi can and a shoe lace. He is a dietician by trade. He once ate two sleeves of Oreo cookies in a single sitting. His favorite hobby is being your friend. He was last seen in Indianapolis where he is wanted for breaking the law against being so awesome. He loves his Sister. He is Leighton's Best Man.
Lisa Rockafellow
She is 24 years old and she can quote nearly 50,000 movies word for word. Her favorite hobby is making others look good. She has a dog named Zoey that is the most vicious in Hollywood. She speaks Spanish so well the authorities want to deport her. She lives in L.A. where she is working on a degree in Fashion Merchandising. She is a former Vagina Monologuer. She sold Paris Hilton 48% of her wardrobe. She loves her Brother. She is Amanda's Maid of Honor.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
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